Strengthening Emergency Response Capacity of Local Humanitarian Actors in Asia: Baseline survey inception workshop

Under the leadership of NDMA; NHN/ADPC is implementing bStrengthening Emergency Response Capacity of Local Humanitarian Actors in Asiab program. The program is aimed with the goal to improve the emergency preparedness for response and recovery from disasters in Asia by strengthening the interface between the government and local humanitarian organizations and by enhancing their technical capacities. It will help in improving the inter-organizational coordination by engaging the Local Humanitarian Organization and institutions in the dialogues with the national governments and inter-agency networks through partnerships, knowledge resources, training, and networking opportunities. It will also improve the humanitarian response to disasters by strengthening the interface between the National Governments and Local humanitarian organizations by improving the south-south knowledge and exchange within the region and beyond, as an effort to create Asian Humanitarian Forum.

Following are the objectives of the program:

  1. To improve humanitarian leadership and coordination through systematic and local institutional strengthening
  2. To attain better coordination of humanitarian actions by enhancing humanitarian information management and knowledge exchange
  3. To attain faster and equitable access to information on humanitarian funding
  4. To establish more effective partnerships among national and local humanitarian actors

To introduce the program to all stakeholders/partners, as well as seeking suggestions for better implementation of the program, inception workshop was organized on 22 August 2017 at Hill view Hotel Islamabad.

Images of the workshop

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