NHN coordination and information sharing includes positioning the network and the membership on operations and policies related to humanitarian and development assistance and policy. NHN holds regular provincial executive committee meetings at provincial secretariats levels however CEC is being held on quarterly basis at national level. Collecting, compiling and disseminating information to enhance and support NNGOs operations is the integral part of humanitarian coordination of the network. One of the key coordination activities of NHN involves promoting and supporting NNGO representation and engagement at policy and operation meetings. The core objective of the coordination and networking envisages to strengthen the role and capacities of national and local humanitarian actors in setting humanitarian and sustainable development agendas and humanitarian action in Pakistan. Being biggest civil society network of Pakistan National Humanitarian Network is having a significant role in humanitarian architecture in the country. NHN ensures its meaningful representation at different stages of coordination architecture. The flow of coordination and information sharing starts from grass root level by receiving information from NHN member organizations. Provincial secretariats gather the information and share it with National Secretariat which is further analyzed and scrutinized. National secretariat disseminates the final updates with NDMA, PHF, UN and various humanitarian forums an d stakeholders in Pakistan. The coordination of the network is guided by the comprehensive and unique structure of the network which is as follows
NHN recognizes that the Pakistan governance structures in relation to humanitarian support to people affected by emergencies are reasonably well developed and functioning to a certain extent. NHN being national civil society is definitely part of this indigenous structure.