Recent emergency situation provoked by natural disasters have raised new challenges for all those involved in prevention of natural disasters, its management and recovery. Preparedness and investing in community resilience is not up to the mark, the roles defined in the disaster management statutes are not fully met due to multiple reasons which exposed poor and vulnerable segments of the society to major losses. NHN is supporting the Preparedness at District Disaster Management Authorities levels with the involvement of communities for effective response preparation. NHN is having the core mandate of promoting the agenda of Disaster Risk Reduction and principled humanitarian response in Pakistan. NHN ensures its meaningful representation on various DRR and humanitarian forums as well as advocates by envisaging an efficient and effective humanitarian system being led by responsible and accountable humanitarian and disaster management institutions for the development of safer and disaster resistant communities in Pakistan. Collaborations have been developed with the key institutions in DRR and Humanitarian Quality and Accountability in the country and internationally. NHN is having its representation in board of directors of HAP International and Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS). In Pakistan NHN is actively engaged with Accountability Learning Working Group and promotes the agenda of principled humanitarian response.